Road bike route through “Camp del Turia”: from Valencia to Casinos among croplands and orange trees

29 June, 2016 by Eva No Comment

Nice and relaxing bicycle route starting at the city of Valencia and enjoying among orange trees.


Recommended period: all year round

Difficulty: Medium / Easy

Positive Ascension: +100 m

Distance: 88 Km

Return time: 3h 45´ (average of +/- 25 Km/h)

 valencia casinos road bike


We start our route from Valencia, direction Alboraia. We will circulate following the bike lane for a few kilometres, in order to avoid city. In this occasion we have chosen the route somewhat longer, but easier, so you can enjoy the scenery of the “Valencian Orchard” which are irrigated by the waters of the River Turia.

We will pass through well known populations as Alboraia and Bétera, we circulate calm and safe through cycle paths and secondary roads between orange groves and fields. During the winter you can enjoy the views of the trees filled with oranges, stop at a village for a coffee or if you want to enjoy the authentic cuisine of the interior of Valencia and try the famous turrón (nougat) of Casinos. It is a pleasure to cycle with our bikes on these places and delving into its culture and customs.


Alboraia Cycling in summer in Valencia
Group outing Orange trees in winter

Route Track

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You can check for more routes information in our section Cycling routes.


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